A young black girl plays with her toys while her white mom stands in the background

Jennifer and Adora are Grateful for Their New Life


Not too long ago the holidays were a time of incredible stress for Jennifer.

As a single mother without a home, her days were spent asking questions like, Where are we going to sleep tonight? Which shelter has an opening for us? Where can I lock up my daughter’s stroller?

Thanks to your generosity, these scary questions were replaced with hope.

Now, Jennifer looks around her apartment at Franciscan Towers instead of a shared room at a shelter. She sees her daughter Adora’s toys scattered on their floor instead of in storage for safekeeping.

She looks around and feel so much gratitude, because of you.

Jennifer is a real life example of how transformative a home can be.

Sadly, right now, 7,499 people are without homes in San Francisco.

Living without a home is hardly living at all.

You can be the difference for another family like Jennifer’s.

Jennifer still remembers that life-changing call telling her that she and Adora’s days living in shelters were over. Even after three years of living in Franciscan Towers, she still pinches herself every day and says, Is this real? Is this real?

Your gift made her home real.

And with a home, Jennifer’s life blossomed. Now, she can work and bring her daughter to regular doctor appointments, help Adora with homework, and attend her own weekly therapy sessions.

“It’s everything I wanted. Everything that I ever wanted was to be able to support [Adora] and take care of her and help her with school,” said Jennifer, “and I’m doing it.”

Child and woman