2024 TNDC Pool Toss
Held every fall at the Phoenix Hotel in San Francisco, the Pool Toss recruits “tossees” to raise money, perform a skit, and jump into a pool — with their whole costume on! The event benefits the Tenderloin After-School Program (TASP). About TASP: TASP provides a safe drop-in space for children in the Tenderloin District. Its vision is based on the belief in the inherent value of children and youth from this community and their ability to grow, thrive, and succeed. Kids who attend the free program benefit from tutoring, college prep courses, annual college tours, school liaison services and cultural activities.

Grand Opening for 180 Jones
180 Jones Street, a new 100% affordable housing development located on a formerly vacant corner lot in the heart of the Tenderloin, is a nine-story, 38,500 square foot building offering 70 new permanently affordable homes for low-income residents, including 35 subsidized units for previously unhoused adults.
“With supportive services, community spaces, and a shared courtyard, this development addresses homelessness and strengthens our community. TNDC remains dedicated to creating homes that offer stability and opportunity for all San Franciscans," said Katie Lamont, Chief Operating Officer, TNDC.
TNDC Anniversary Celebration
TNDC's Anniversary focuses on the future of supportive housing and equitable community building. Our anniversary includes various affordable housing and community leaders discussing how our work and partnerships continue to innovate, grow, and become more equitable.

TNDC hosted the signing of AB 2011 + SB 6 + 36 Other Laws to Accelerate the Construction of Housing
TNDC (Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation) hosted the signing of AB 2011 + SB 6 + 36 other laws to accelerate the construction of housing for CA.
Thank you Gavin Newsom, Asm Buffy Wicks & Sen Anna Caballero for your leadership! Special love to CA Dept of Housing and Community Development Lourdes Castro Ramirez and Gustavo Velasquez.